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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass was an African-American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer and statesman. I am talking about him because this month is black history month and what he did made an impact on us. Douglass was promoting to have all the slaves to have freedom.  Douglass's goals were to: "Abolish Slavery in all its forms and aspects, promote the moral and intellectual improvement of the Colored People, and hasten the day of FREEDOM to the three millions of our enslaved fellow countrymen." He was a successful person in the abolitionist movement. Douglass is known for his ability to speak and inspire a crowd, but he wasn't always confident talking in front of an audience. Douglass was one many supporters of the Underground Railroad. He would harbor fugitive slaves sometimes in his own house, one time he was harboring 10 runaways hiding in his home. The quote I found was interesting because you can't really repair someone when they are older, you have to start all over with that person. When you start teaching them from a young age you can strengthen them and make them into a good person. 

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